Kamis, 09 April 2020

Protein can Prevent Corona Virus Infection

Protein can Prevent Corona Virus Infection, Really?

By : Erwinsyah Utama

          The proteins are derived from the word "Proteos" (English) which means "the main one". This shows how important protein is for living beings. Proteins are macromolecules (polymers) composed of amino acid monomers as building units linked to each other by peptide bonds. Protein is the most widely contained component in the cell and is composed almost 50% of the dry weight of the body of living beings. Proteins are also a major component of muscles, body organs, and endocrine glands, and are found in hair, blood, teeth, nails, and skin.
One of the very important protein functions is as a body defense. The defence proteins (immunoglobulin) or antibodies serve to protect the body from the attack of "foreign matter" by means of precipitated or neutralize the "foreign matter" so as not to cause disease in the body.

Antibodies as a defence Protein
Antibodies or immunoglobulin are proteins that contribute to protecting the body from attacks of foreign bodies (antigens) that enter the body. In other words, this protein is formed as a response to the inclusion of foreign materials into the body. If the body is injected with foreign substances in a harmless amount, the body immediately gives a reaction to the foreign object by forming antibodies that are typical for the foreign object. When one when the same antigen returns into the body, the body is prepared with a typical antibody (which has already been formed) to neutralize it. In this case there will be a complex compound antibodies-antigen.
Antibodies are very specific to each antigen. If we are immunized with the injection of a volio antigen, the antibodies formed in the body are antibodies to the disease volio, where the antibodies can only neutralize the Antigen Volio and can not neutralize other antigens. This principle is used as the basis of immune injections (vaccination and immunization) in humans and animals.

Protein sources
Protein can be obtained from food derived from plants and animals. Plants synthesize a wide variety of proteins and are stored in varying quantities in certain parts of the plant. Plants that contain many proteins include nuts, wheat, rice, corn, and some fruits.

Protein content of various types of foodstuffs
Protein content (% weight)
Dry skim milk
Mung beans
Fresh Fish
Chicken eggs
Cassava flour

Animals and their products are the best source of protein for human beings compared with plant-derived proteins (vegetable proteins). The factors that lead to the superiority of animal protein compared to vegetable protein in biochemistry are merely because the amino acid composition of the animal protein is closer to the composition of the human amino acids, where almost all of the essential amino acids are found in animal proteins.

Protein synthesis
If we consume foods that contain protein, the amino acids contained in the proteins will be absorbed by the body and will then undergo metabolic processes. The metabolic process of protein is divided into 2, namely anabolism (formation) and catabolism (decomposition). However, in this case we are only the process of anabolisism.
The defence proteins (Immunogloblulin) or antibodies are formed/synthesized from the amino acids through the process of anabolism in the body. However, the formation of protein immunoglobulin is influenced by the following factors:
1.      The completeness of amino acids
Humans are incapable of synthesizing its own amino acids that it needs to synthesize proteins. Therefore, some of these amino acids must be imported from food. Amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained from foods are called "essential amino acids", whereas amino acids that can be synthesized in the body are called non-essential amino acids.
To synthesize a protein should be available all the necessary amino acids. So also to synthesize immunoglobulin. When one of the required amino acids does not exist, immunoglobulin will not be formed. When one of the amino acids is limited, protein synthesis will last until the amino acid is depleted. The limited amino acid is called the limiting amino acid (limiting amino acid ).

2.      Calorie adequacy in foodstuffs
If the calorie content (which comes from carbohydrates and fats) in foodstuffs is available in adequate quantities, then the synthesis of proteins in the body will take place with optimum. Conversely, if calories (derived from carbohydrates and fats) are not enough available then protein derived from food and tissue protein will be used to fulfill energy needs so that protein synthesis in the body will not occur.

3.      Nutritional and physiological state
Protein synthesis will last faster in people who are experiencing growth and in newly recovered people from the disease. Whereas in adults, protein synthesis will take place in balance with tissue protein damage when calories are available.

Many consuming proteins can prevent a wide range of diseases, one of which is the disease caused by Corona virus, really?

The Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) is a pandemic disease that is a plague in today's world. The outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that the outbreak led to the emergency public health of international Concern on 30 January 2020 and was subsequently recognized as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Until 7 May 2020, a total of 3,75 million COVID-19 cases had been reported in more than 187 countries and territories, which resulted in about 263.000 deaths and over 1,24 million people have recovered. Many efforts have been made to prevent the spread of this virus, such as travel restrictions, quarantine, curfew, delays and event cancellations, and the closure of some facilities. However, did you know that by expanding the consumption of proteins it can prevent the Corona virus infection? Yes, One of the functions of a very important protein is as a body defense. Proteins that serve as body defenses are called the Defence proteins (immunoglobulin). Protein immunoglobulin is formed in response to the inclusion of "foreign substances" into the body. If there is a "foreign substance" (e.g. Corona virus) into the body, the body immediately reacts to the virus by forming a distinctive antibody.

Immunogloblulin Protein is formed/synthesized from amino acids through the process of anabolism in the body. In order to synthesizing it, it must be available all the necessary amino acids. If any of the required amino acids are not available, immunoglobulin will not be formed. When one of the amino acids is limited, the synthesis of immunoglobulin will take place until the amino acid is depleted.
For that, we need to consume a lot of foods that contain protein varially so that the amino acids needed to synthesize protein immunoglobulin are fulfilled. But that alone is not enough. The foodstuffs that we eat must be in sufficient number of calories to meet the energy needs in order to make the protein synthesis in the body optimum. If the calories are insufficient, the proteins derived from food and tissue proteins will be used to meet the energy requirements so that the synthesis of protein immunoglobulin in the body will not occur.
Thus, the assumption that consuming the consumption of proteins can prevent Corona viruses can be justified. However, there is no guarantee that with a lot of protein consuming we can get rid of the Corona virus. It could be that people already consume a lot of protein remains infected with Corona virus. This may be because the person's metabolic process is slow (influenced by age factor), so that the synthesis process of protein immunoglobulin in the body of the person lasts slower than the proliferation of viruses in the body, or caused by other factors.
Multiply consuming proteins does not mean consuming proteins extravagance, because everything that extravagance is not good. Consume the proteins appropriately. Many and thank you...

Silitonga, P.M., (2013), Basic Biochemistry, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, State University of Medan, Medan.
Silitonga, P.M., (2013), Nutrition Biochemistry, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, State University Medan, Medan.


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